In this practice, we take complaints very seriously and try to ensure that all our patients are pleased with their experience of our service. If you have a complaint, we will treat you courteously and promptly so that the matter is resolved as quickly as possible. We learn from your feedback and respond to your concerns in a caring and sensitive way.

The theme of any complaints will be discussed in team meetings so that all members can learn from them and improve the service that we provide.

The Complaints Manager in the practice is Emmi Latham-Bringes

Verbal Complaints in person or by telephone

If you complain on the telephone or at Reception, we will listen to your complaint and acknowledge it with empathy. Minor complaints will be dealt with immediately. For more complex issues the complaint will be referred to the Complaints Manager immediately if possible. If the complaints manager is not available, you will be told when she is available and offered a choice of how she may contact you, to discuss the issue.

Complaints in writing or via email

If you complain in writing or by email, your complaints will be passed on, immediately to the Complaints Manager.

She will acknowledge your complaint in writing or by email (by the same method that you contacted us) and enclose/attach a copy of our complaint’s procedure as soon as possible (normally within 3 working days). She will aim to have investigated the complaint within 20 working days.

In all cases, we will seek to investigate the complaint speedily and efficiently and we will keep you regularly informed, as far as is reasonably practicable, as to the progress of the investigation.

When the investigation is complete, we will provide you with a written report. This will include an explanation of how the complaint was considered, the conclusions reached in respect of each part of the complaint, details of any necessary remedial action and whether the practice is satisfied with any action we have taken or will be taking as a result of the complaint.

We will keep full, confidential records of any complaint received as well as any actions taken to improve services as a result of your complaint.

If you are not satisfied with the result of our procedure, you can complain to:

Denplan Patients
Denplan Clinical Mediation Service
T: 0800 169 7220
E: clinicalmediationservice@denplan.co.uk

Private Patients
Dental Complaints Service
37 Wimpole Street
T: 0208 253 0800
W: https://dcs.gdc-uk.org/

NHS Patients
NHS England
PO Box 16738
B97 9PTT: 0300 311 22 33
E: england.contactus@nhs.net

If you are making a complaint by email, please state: ‘for attention of the Complaints Team’ in the subject line

accepting new private patients

get started on your journey with us


We offer a warm welcome to all patients looking to benefit from our dynamic and professional dental care and wide range of treatment options. Our clean and spacious practice and welcoming team help you feel at ease from the moment your journey begins.

Please be aware that we are a first floor practice that is only accessible via stairs.

Please contact us to find out more - we’re looking forward to getting to know you and showing you what we can do.

Please note we are currently unable to accept any new NHS patients.

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